Growing Food Isn’t Just A Hobby
Compared to the 1940s, food grown today has been sprayed with substantially more pesticides.
Buying organic does partially solve this problem (pesticides are used in organics, too, but most of them are much less toxic than their non-organic counterparts).

But arguably more important than that, what fewer people know is that food grown today is dramatically less nutritious than it used to be.
I mean 20-80% less nutritious, depending on which nutrient you’re measuring.
Unfortunately, organic food has experienced this decline in nutrition, too.
These 2 issues are a big reason why people are experiencing such poor health.
That’s why I teach you not only how to grow your own food but how to grow it so it’s far more nutritious than what you can find at any grocery store or even the farmer’s market.
That’s also why I created The Smiling Gardener Academy, my online gardening course for people who are ready to take the steps to grow more nutritious food.
In the rest of this article, I’m going to share a number of tips on growing organically, but if you’re here to register for my online course, you can click here to scroll to the bottom of the page.
Buying organic is a start but it’s not enough.

Many people believe that organic food is more nutritious than conventional, but that’s not always the case.
Organic farming has become big business and nutrition is not part of the business model.
The economics of farming makes it hard to properly address nutrition.
On top of that, food that was harvested 3 days ago doesn’t have nearly the same nutrition as food that was harvested 3 minutes ago.
So there’s just no way they can match the nutrition in your own just-picked tomatoes, blueberries, and spinach.
Now, we should still support organic farmers – locally and beyond. We should especially seek out those who are striving to go beyond the organic standards to grow nutrient-dense food.
But if you want to be optimally healthy, you’ll want to grow at least some of your food for yourself.
Even if you grow only 10% of your own food, which you can do on as little as 200 square feet, if you take the time to grow that food to be nutrient-dense, it can make a huge difference in your own health.
And if you want to grow most of your own food, which you can do in 2000-8000 square feet (depending on your climate, soil, etc.), you can do that too – you’ll save money and you’ll have access to nutrition that most people could never imagine.
When you grow your own food, you put more nutritious meals on your table.

And it’s incredibly rewarding to plant a seed and watch over 2-3 months as it becomes a plant taller than you are.
That’s what happens with indeterminate tomatoes that are staked properly and given optimal nutrition.
Come summer and you’re slicing your own Brandywine tomato and sprinkling it with sea salt and black pepper.
The whole process of growing is so interesting, is good exercise and good therapy…there are many reasons to have a garden.
But for me, the main reason is to grow my own medicine.
Even a tomato is medicine when it’s been grown properly, but you can also grow plants that have been used medicinally for ages – ginger for nausea, echinacea for colds, Saint John’s wort for depression, and dozens more.
Also, healthy plants don’t get eaten by insects.

If you want nutrient-poor food, you could do something like square foot gardening.
Maybe you’ve heard of it or maybe not. It’s just one example of an organic approach to gardening.
It involves growing your food in a mixture of 1/3 peat moss or coconut coir, 1/3 vermiculite, and 1/3 compost.
A lot of people follow this method and it does grow food but there’s just no way it’s going to be maximally nutritious.
But I’m not here to pick on square foot gardening. I’m here to show you how to do it properly.
Have you ever seen an insect or a fungus devour a plant?
Most people assume the insect is the problem, but the truth is, it’s not the insects that are making the plant sick, but rather, the sick plants are inviting in the insects.
The bottom line is that insects can’t even digest healthy plants. It’s just how they evolved. Their role in nature is to eat the unhealthy plants.
So we need to address the things that more basic systems like square foot gardening don’t address – creating a diverse soil food web, balancing soil nutrients, foliar feeding with the right recipe at the right time of year, and more.
Just switching to organic products doesn’t work.

I grew up working for my parents in their garden center.
Back then, I didn’t even know what “organic” was. I didn’t know the consequences of the pesticides I sprayed.
All I knew is that they didn’t work for very long because I had to come back and spray every week or two.
What I don’t talk about much is 2006, a year I’m happy is over.
I’d just gone through a certificate program in organic landscape management.
I’d just started using organic methods for my clients. I already had more than 10 years working in horticulture but was still new in the organic world.
I knew the theory, but didn’t have the practice – and things went wrong. Many of my clients had major weed issues, pest problems, and plants that wouldn’t flower or fruit.
People were not happy with me and I had many sleepless nights.
Growing organically requires different thinking altogether.

I started reading and trying things.
There is a lot of conflicting advice out there.
Most advice didn’t help, but a few things did, so I stuck with it.
I did make it through that year with (mostly) happy clients and beautiful gardens.
But I now know how frustrating and expensive it can be to deal with these issues and that’s what I want to prevent for others.
I eventually put together a system I could follow in any garden.
How I turned a patch of weedy lawn into a forest of food.

In October, I visited my parents.
I looked at an area in their backyard where the soil is heavy clay.
The slope is gentle but the bottom floods seasonally and the top is bone dry.
That makes it a challenging little microclimate for experimenting and learning.
So that fall, I planted 2 apple trees, 2 pears, and 2 cherries.
And since I only visit every month or two, I needed to set it up so it largely takes care of itself.
I built a big sheet mulch over the whole area, which looked like the photo above.
And less than 3 years later, it looked like the photo below (same camera angle).
It’s amazing what can happen within three years in a garden.

And a successful garden doesn’t need to take much time.
It’s amazing what can happen within three years in a garden – and in a life.
Back then I was happily married. Six months later I was separated.
But now, I wouldn’t want it to happen much differently than it has.
Tough times have a way of bringing about the most incredible growth in a person.
At least, that’s been the case for me.
Tough times can be good for a garden, too…
A successful garden doesn’t need to take much time.

Here’s the reverse view of that first sheet mulch.
Yes, we want to have the basic pillars of health in place in the garden – a diverse soil food web, a decent fertility balance, sufficient water and so on.
But if you were to water and fertilize your plants every day, they wouldn’t have much incentive to extend their root systems.
And that means they’d get sick more easily and wouldn’t produce nutritious food.
That’s why we take a break between waterings, and also why we amend the soil further than just the planting hole – because we want the roots to head out further in search of more food and water.

Likewise, if we don’t allow some insect- and disease-infested leaves to remain on our plants, then what will attract the beneficial insects and microorganisms to help us keep those problems under control next year?
Now that same view looks like this, with dozens and dozens of varieties of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers.
Three years later, there are very few pest problems in the garden, while an abundance of delicious foods is coming on strong.
Other than year one, and a week or so each spring, I’ve achieved this while spending only about 1 day per month in the garden.
That’s because I took the initial time to prepare the soil properly, and since then, have partnered with nature to do a lot of the work.
Compost isn’t enough.

Here are the 3 main things I think about whenever I’m designing a garden, planting a garden, or doing pretty much anything in a garden:
1. Chemistry.
Many gardeners, especially organic gardeners, put too much focus on compost as being the answer to everything.
Compost is great, but it’s not enough to grow nutritious food. There are many nutrient deficiencies it doesn’t address, and there are some it can cause.
We need to make sure we are applying the right nutrients at the right time.
That may involve some broad-spectrum, organic fertilizers, but also some specific rock fertilizers, mostly based on a soil test.
2. Biology.
Other gardeners go too far in the opposite direction, thinking that fertilizers are the answer to everything.
We also need the beneficial biology, which includes bacteria, fungi, insects, animals, and plants.
All of these work together to build healthy soil and healthy plants.
We need to learn to make good compost, to build better mulch layers, to sow good cover crop mixes, and to use the right microbial inoculants.
3. Physics.
Once you get deeper into the fascinating worlds of chemistry and biology, it can be easy to forget physics.
We need to think about how light, air, temperature, moisture, cultivation, and other forms of energy should be managed to create a more appropriate environment for plants and the whole soil food web.
That’s why I built the Academy.

If you’re new to my work, my blog is a fine place to start.
But if you want more of a step-by-step process that covers the A-to-Z of growing your own organic food – with more flavor and more vitamins and minerals, and with fewer pests and diseases – that’s what the Academy is for.
“Academy” comes from the Greek Akadēmos, the name of Plato’s garden where he gave his lectures.
When you join, you get immediate access to a private course with over 500 videos along with text and 1000s of photos to guide you.
It took me 2 years to create it and I’m continuously updating it. In fact, near the beginning of 2020, I started an especially audacious update that’s going to take at least 3 years.
The process is not region-specific, so it doesn’t matter where you live in the world. My goal is to teach you how to improve your soil, control pests, and build a thriving ecosystem, which is the same process wherever you are.
I created it with beginner and intermediate home gardeners in mind, although professionals have also taken it, too (I did landscaping for 10 years before I knew a lot of this stuff, and I wish I had learned it earlier).

Avoid hours of research – ask me questions directly.

When you sign up, I give you an email address that goes right to my phone.
I respond as soon as I see it – usually within a few hours so you can take action right away.
My hope is that, if you find yourself in the garden one sunny morning with a question, you’ll have an answer by the afternoon so you can keep going in the garden.
Yes, you can also ask me questions on a handful of my free blog posts, but I often take a week to respond and my responses are much shorter.
And I’ve mostly turned off comments there so I can focus on Academy members.
When you’re an Academy member, I give you as much detail as I can, as soon as I can.

The Academy is for people who want to create their dream garden.

More than 800 people have joined the Academy since I started it.
The course will end up saving you not only a lot of time but also a lot of money.
You’ll spend less time searching for answers because you can just ask me directly.
And you’ll get much bigger harvests – of more nutritious food – saving you money at the grocery store.
But it isn’t for everyone.
If you’re just growing a few containers, for example, this course may be too much.
This is more for folks who are ready for a more thorough process for growing organic food and who would benefit from having direct access to me and other like-minded people.
If you don’t get what you were looking for, I’ll give you a full refund.
I want you to have a chance to go through the course, ask me questions, and try some things out.
So if the course isn’t what you were expecting, or even if you just end up being too busy, let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.
Of course, you can also cancel any time and no further charges will be made to your account.
Either way, just email and I’ll take care of your refund or cancellation right away.

For every month you’re a member, I send $1 to Thrive For Good.
They’re helping impoverished communities implement the following integrated activities:
- Organic Gardening. Several organic techniques are used to grow food all year round.
- Nutrition. They incorporate crops that yield maximum nutrition.
- Natural Medicine. Each community garden includes a portion of medicinal plants that are used to prevent and treat diseases.
- Income Generation. Once community members are growing and thriving on the harvest of their own gardens, they provide training to help them bring their surplus to market.

Here’s a quick summary.
The Academy membership is for people who want to grow nutrient-dense food using organic methods.
Your membership includes exclusive access to my online course with over 500 videos, 1000s of photos, and direct access to me.
You’ll learn a process for growing food with more flavor and more vitamins and minerals, with fewer pests and diseases.
With the risk-free money-back guarantee, I hope you’ll register to check it out.
Do you have any questions that I didn’t answer here? Feel free to email me at and I’ll be glad to answer.

“The main two things I really like about the Smiling Gardner are 1) your enthusiastic approach to your subject and your genuine wish to share your knowledge with others, and 2) the quality and breadth of the kinds of information you share. (Uh, oh, is that three things?) The video format is super; much easier to grasp than reading, plus I can pull the slider back to hear something again that I may have missed.”
Barry, Fredericksburg, TX

“Thanks to you, I tried Crop Services International this year for these two brand new beds. Having the Base and LaMotte is really valuable. I also, thanks to you, began measuring EC and will begin Brix. Last year this time it was a different story so seeing this improvement is really incredible. These pics were taken in the last 48 hours – about 100 fruit on 3 plants. I also attached pics of a container grown habenaro last year that produced more than 300 fruit; had a control plant that produced less than half that amount…. convinced me of the power of mycorrhizae.”
Leidy, Austin, TX

“The way the lessons are set up is terrific. It’s clean and well organized. I REALLY love that you’ve broken everything down into manageable segments. It’s great that the segments are short and even better that I have the option of watching the video or reading the text. Your set up is nice and clean in that regard, too, because the text is directly below the video. I don’t have to download separate transcripts and open them up in another window. Great work with this. Really. It’s comprehensive without being overwhelming and it’s extremely well organized and segmented.”
Beth, Richmond, VA

“I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your academy. There’s just the right amount of material per topic. You are teaching beautiful and radical ideas! I feel so confident that I can build soil and improve life in our yard, and we will grow the best food we can thanks to everything I am learning. Please know what a difference your work is making in my life and the health of my family. Thank-you for sharing your passion.”
Trayci, Streamstown, Alberta

“I’m extremely pleased with the content. The video content and quality are excellent. Your feedback is beyond excellent. I asked a question and got an answer the same day WOW that doesn’t happen in the real world. So far I’m loving all of it. Thank you,”
Sharon, Pembroke, NH

“I really enjoyed watching the first module, consuming it over the last two days! Great job filming, explaining and demonstrating all the concepts in a way I can understand and grasp. I appreciate all of your efforts, time and energy. It is all coming together and I am really excited about the possibility of having a soil that is working for me. My focus has been the plants for so long, it is quite a shift in thinking to focus on the soil and how to best feed and care for it, and then it will feed and produce healthy plants. Makes so much sense! I am really liking this approach and thinking toward organic gardening. Thank you so much! You are my first organic gardening teacher/coach and I really appreciate that you are accessible and willing to answer my questions. I am so thankful for your help!”
Debbie, Sacramento, CA
The course is open for enrollment.
I’m in the process of reorganizing and updating the lessons, and while that’s happening, I’ve reduced the course fee.
You can join as a monthly member or register annually.
Either way, you can stay as long as you’re getting value and can easily cancel whenever you’re ready.
Thanks for reading. I hope to see you inside!