Organic Vegetable Garden Design – 3 Tips From Phil
If you’re on a quest for some organic vegetable garden design ideas, here are 3 unique tips to think about when planning a vegetable garden.
Vegetable Garden Design Tips 1 & 2

1. Remember beauty. Search “Google Images” for the term “vegetable garden” and you’ll get hundreds of photos of square and rectangular vegetable gardens. And sure, there are a couple of advantages – they can be easier to water and measure.
But let’s remember that it doesn’t always have to be so formal. Your organic vegetable garden design layout can be beautiful. Your beds can be curvy and fit in nicely to your existing landscape. They can have some flowers in there for beauty and insect attraction. Remember beauty when planning your garden.
2. House Proximity. Likewise, vegetable gardening doesn’t have to be banished to a back corner of your yard. If you study permaculture, you’ll learn that the best place for an organic vegetable garden is often right outside the kitchen door – close by for daily harvesting and other tasks.
I like to integrate my vegetable garden designs into the landscape, right by the house, interspersing vegetables with flowers, shrubs and trees. I keep my compost pile close by, too, rather than hiding behind the shed. That way, I have compost nearby all season, which is handy because it allows me to regularly throw in my kitchen scraps without trudging to the back of the property, and I like to keep seeding some vegetables throughout the year. That brings me to planting…
Vegetable Garden Design Tip 3

3. Plant Densely And Informally. Still thinking about beauty, but also other benefits, I like to mix many species of plants together more naturally when planting a vegetable garden rather than having straight rows with just 1 species of plant each. The straight row approach is reminiscent of a farm field, while the mixed species approach is more of a natural, organic vegetable garden design layout.
You’ll create a diverse soil food web ecosystem that keeps plant predators and weeds under control, and keeps the ground covered, cool and moist throughout the growing season. If you choose your plants carefully, they will benefit each other with shade, wind protection, nutrition and natural trellises (for example, beans can climb up corn and vetch can climb up ryegrass). Often, when I harvest something, I seed something else to replace it.
Do you have any design tips to share with us? Tell us something you always try to remember in your organic vegetable garden designs.
I started focusing on the aesthetic nature of my garden more this year and have employed this same mindset of informal rows and groupings, with the addition of flowers and other ornamentals When I put areas together in dense clusters, I put stepping stone pavers randomly around to be able to make my way through the plants better. This works with the smaller plants at least.My question now is regarding all the mixing of plants as you described. Do you worry about crop rotation when you mix all kinds of things together? The next season, would you have to move the entire grouping elsewhere so as not to allow any of the plants in that assortment to remain in that spot?Renate
Great question. I don’t have a definitive answer, but for the most part, Idon’t worry about it too much if I have a good mix with lots of diversity. Iobviously like to move my potato patch every year if possible, and if I hadan area that was dominated by something like sweet corn, I generaly try torotate that, too.But if it’s a mix of greens and herbs and many other vegetables together, Idon’t rotate. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
In landscaping your garden architects are expert on this. They areable to make beautiful and unique designs. So if you want your garden to bebeautiful, find your architect designer right now.
If you’re truly interested in living organicyou must take action by learning more about genetically engineered food andGMOs.
Phil, you are talking my language. I’m very interested in delving more into “edible landscaping”. Our garden is a 6×16 rectangle. I’ve practiced square-foot gardening at one end for the past four years … for several reasons … one of which is the patchwork quilt look of the different colours and textures of vegetables (and some added flowers). The other end, by the way, is for garlic, onions, peas, zucchini. But, I have been wanting to create something more organic looking and incorporate perhaps more flowers … for beneficial insects, aesthetics … and for cut flowers. Will work on new plan this winter.Thanks for addressing this!! I look forward to all the information you provide.
Flowers & vegetables don’t always do well together in my experience.
I agree, but sometimes they’re very happy together. I suppose it depends on the combination.
Straight lines are like death rows. The bugs just walk from one plant to the next one in the row, and so on. Intercropping, staggering plants confuse rhem and usually confine them to one plant, especially if they need to cross some plants they don’t like. They go hungry ans sick, and a sick bug is a dead bug. My platoon of natures insecticide control: beneficial bugs and birds, find them and zap them in a jiffy.
Can you pls give me a list of fruits, herbs, vegetable can be grow together. Thank you.